
An extensible framework for data stream in Julia.

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EasyStream.jl aims to create a simple interface to work with data stream, acting, for example, in Concept Drift related problems. In the next sections we discuss the basic elements of the framework.


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Under construction.

Quick example

Below is a quick preview of the high-level API:

using EasyStream
using SyntheticDatasets

conn_gen = EasyStream.GeneratorConnector(SyntheticDatasets.generate_blobs, 
						centers = [-1 1;-0.5 0.75], 
                                        	cluster_std = 0.225, 
                                        	center_box = (-1.5, 1.5));

Project organization

The project is split into various packages:

StreamDatasets.jlPackage with stream datasets (under construction).
SyntheticDatasets.jlPackage with synthetics datasets.